
A commercial expansion project is a sign of a growing business.

A companies expansion can be stressful for the business owner. How much will production be disturbed? Will it cause any financial risks to the employees and owners? Will the construction make the site an eyesore while under construction? Does construction hurt the customer traffic? When LaRoche breaks ground in a project, we thoroughly review all aspects—making sure that there are no surprises with the task at hand. From contract to construction, we make sure there are no loose ends. Most of all, will we make sure the business owner’s concerns are fulfilled. Being a full-service builder gives LaRoche insight into all details of the expansion process. It also allows LaRoche greater control over how the projects are handled and maintained along with the schedule, making working with Laroche better than many sub-contractors.

Helping Connecticut businesses expand.

Though every business is different with its needs to expand, all projects have one thing in common: keeping the project on budget. Our years of talent and our full range of construction capabilities make choosing LaRoche Builders an intelligent choice. For your commercial project, LaRoche builder is a win for your company. We are reliable, resourceful, and respectful of your priorities, property, and business plan. When you are the best, you only want the best. LaRoche takes care of all of your business expansion needs, always handles the projects the right way the first time. Sends us an email with your building needs now!